Author: Owain Oakwood

Argana Zeit Ruins Halloween

Argana Zeit would like to ignore the ghost under the road and take the night off. But when a séance throws up some strange clues, and the exorcist is in town talking about angels, she’s going to end up working Halloween.

The third Argana Zeit story is out on Amazon! If you missed the previous two, don’t sweat it, you can read them in any order! If you don’t have a kindle device, Amazon provide a free kindle app for phones, tablets and desktops.

Included in Paranormal in the Peaks, available here.

Argana Zeit Stares into the Abyss

The trouble starts with an archaeological dig up at the Arkwright arms, where a volunteer is sectioned to a psychiatric hospital.

When he goes on the run, Argana Zeit, the local paranormal investigator, will get sucked into a dangerous mystery. She must find out what they unearthed, and how to banish it, before it hurts anyone else.

For what is it that lurks around the corner of the mirror, at the very edge of vision?

Included in Paranormal in the Peaks, available here.